Juan Francisco Guisado – Fall 2024

Juan Francisco Guisado got his Master’s in Biodiversity and Conservation at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He brings a unique perspective shaped by his experiences studying abroad and serving as a Teaching Assistant, where he first shared his passion for biodiversity and conservation.

Working in diverse cultural environments has deepened his appreciation for knowledge dissemination and public engagement. Juanfra aims to focus on conservation, engage with local communities, and participate in science decolonization, all of which I believe require effective public communication. He hopes to convey the importance of protecting biodiversity to policymakers and share his passion with friends and family, helping them understand why his work matters.

For his outreach project, Juanfra created a virtual gallery showcasing the local biodiversity of Extremadura, Spain, through photography. Using his photography skills and love for nature, he captured images of the landscape and key species in the ecosystem and displayed them strategically in the virtual gallery.

His gallery had a total of three rooms: plants, animas and landscapes. Each image was paired with a text (in Spanish – his native language) emphasizing the importance of biodiversity, encouraging people to protect and appreciate it, and inspiring future generations to pursue conservation and biodiversity work. Take an immersive stroll in Juanfra’s gallery here.

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