Kaitlyn Meadows is a Master’s Student at Clemson University studying Microbial Ecology.
She worked in the Education department as a program instructor at Zoo Knoxville where she was developing and teaching science curriculum to school-aged children. She has also served as a World Wildlife Fund Panda Ambassador since 2021, where she led programs in her community and was able to communicate with national leaders about science policy issues.
For her Outreach Project, Kaitlin decided to create a podcast titled HERpetology, where she interviews women in the field of herpetology about their career journeys, successes and challenges in the field. With this podcast, she hopes to inspire the next generation of herpetologists and scientists, and show that Herpetology is a space for anyone, regardless of gender. Stay tuned for her first few episodes when editing is complete and they are posted on Spotify!
“My ultimate career goal is to work as a wildlife biologist for a conservation-focused government agency. This career path involves consistent engagement with the public and communication to diverse groups of individuals to develop and implement conservation action plans. This program (has) proved invaluable in fostering my skills in communication through unique styles and with diverse audiences. I am confident that I can use the skills learned in this program to be the best environmental advocate that I could be, and also pass those skills on to others to create a cycle of environmental advocacy starting with the people around me.”
Kaitlyn Meadows. Young Voices of Science program participant. Spring 2024