Carmen Yalexa Artiles is a Master’s Student at CUNY Brooklyn College studying Earth and Environmental Science with a focus on Taphonomy and Geochemistry. Her research specifically focuses on late cretaceous shells within the Gulf Coastal Plains of Alabama and Mississippi, but her skills go far beyond this area.
After completing a version of Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s Climate Action Diagram, which is regularly used as part of the Young Voices of Science (YVoS) program, Carmen discovered her strength in making valuable connections within her scientific community. With her talented networking abilities, she decided to begin a social page on Instagram called EcoSourcerer where she hopes to bridge the opportunity gap across all types of scientists and science communicators, while utilizing her own nature photography and art on her page.
On EcoSourcerer, Carmen will post an array of resources ranging from internships to resume workshops to FAQs on different science careers. Some of her recent posts have included a breakdown of what the page will be, volunteering opportunities at NYC parks, and science related job opportunities such as a Program Coordinator for Black in Marine Science, and a Curriculum Specialist for our very own YVoS Program! Check out this library of opportunities on Instagram.