Khanh Ton – Spring 2024

Khanh Ton is a masters student at the University of New Hampshire, studying Natural Resources and the Environment in the Ecohydrology lab, with a focus on fire ecology and oak regeneration.

Khanh was born and raised in Vietnam, a developing country without much focus on ecological research, but one that is dealing with many pressing environmental issues and one that will be most heavily affected by a changing climate. Khanhs hopes are to amplify her representation as well as opinions on these issues, especially as she navigates through a predominantly white and homogeneous scientific community in the US. 

For her outreach project, Khanh created a blog on Substack, titled “Everyday Ecology”. This blog features entries on research, course work, interesting ecology and biology facts and resources, and even NYT style games with ecology topics, such as Wingspan Wednesday, Connections and Mini Crosswords. Her main goals for this blog are to reflect, celebrate and grieve happenings in her life that may seem trivial but are a major part of her relationship with ecology and the environment, both professionally and recreationally. Check out her blog and personal website, give her a follow and try your hand at some of her wonderful games!

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